1. salad days 年轻无阅历的时期
Salad就是西方人常吃的色拉。西方人吃的色拉有各式各样,但是大多数都是以蔬菜为主,特别是生菜,而不一定是用土豆做的。蔬菜是绿色的,而绿色在英文里象征着年轻,因此salad days指的是:年轻富有幻想的时代。
年轻时代,一般人都对自己期望很高,但是有些想法可能是不现实的。Salad days作为一个习惯用语在四百多年前就已经出现在莎士比亚的剧本中了。我们来举一个例子吧! 下面说话的人在告诉我们他年轻时代的愿望。
例句-1: In my salad days when I was 18 or 20, I thought I was going to win fame by writing the great American novel. Well, 20 years later I haven't done that but I've written some best-seller crime novels that give my family a good living.
2. order of the day 流行的事物, 风尚
Order在这里是指某种指示,或命令。Order of the day原来的意思是:部队在某一天要完成的具体任务。可是,作为一个习惯用语,order of the day的一个主要意思是:一般人都遵循的风俗或习惯。
例句-2: Every Friday our people are encouraged to dress casually - the order of the day is sports shirts or tee-shirts and blue jeans to celebrate the last day of work for the week. And most male employees relax by leaving their neckties at home.
3. not to give him the time of day 完全不理某人,根本不注意某人
例句-3: I really like this girl and I'd like to ask her out for coffee or something and just talk and get to know her better. But she won't give me the time of day; she just sits and looks right past me like I'm not even there.