
来源:易贤网 阅读:1698 次 日期:2017-04-26 15:27:33


hobby, single, strict, violin, piano, guitar, model, collect, coin, stamp, form, vacation, ant, farm, milk, cow, country, newspaper, away, course, ride, accident, camp, tent, check, win, afraid, invite, score, except, enormous, weekend, nothing, till, probably, article, accept, refuse, reason, tonight, guest, future, poor, college, though, why, energy, discover, percent, ticket, coffee, pocket, boat, key, ring, luck, term, progress, grammar, rule, improve, skill, habit, advantage, mistake, language, camel, India, western, mountain, ancient, famous, high, mile, foot, bit, compare, hometown, toy, traditional, modern, beach, clean, thousand, basic, happen, nobody, danger, during, reach, separate, government, become, plant, clear, fisherman, sand, everybody, condition, agree, soon, promise, village, bring, another, itself, service, conference, business, worth, story, could, already, invent, night, memory, count, beat, act, card, shine, front, wait, steal, gold, explain, return, reply, myself, lady, trust, garden, appear, paper, side, silence, mirror, cry, inside, knock, waste, empty, die, light, save, burn, smoke, place, truck, maybe, noise, knife, fork, kill, hero, officer, murder, death, perhaps, fair, motorcycle, seem, stupid, moment, point, anyway, yourself, until, lie, honest, lonely, helpful, laugh, rather, loud, shout, test, mouse, experiment, horse, treatment, secret, feed, goat, note, wonder, pretty, guard, careless, complete, patient, tidy, careful, rubbish, metal, plastic, right, ugly, operation, gift, last, celebrate, silver, common, send, message, greeting, include, wise, festival, clap, suppose, dumpling, spare, certain, cheer, arrive, shoulder, culture, somewhere, surprise, notice, candle, direction, doll, candy, public.


go away 走开

fix up 修理,修补

work out 做大运动量的锻炼

get together 聚会,联欢

play the piano 弹钢琴

be strict with sb 对某人要求严格

play the violin 拉小提琴

play the guitar 弹吉它

on vacation 在休假

on the farm 在农场

be afraid of 害怕

on the weekend 在周末

lots of 许多

listen to the music 听音乐

a member of 成员之一,一分子

enjoy oneself 过得愉快,玩得愉快

get ready for… 为……做好准备,准备做……

take photos 拍照,摄影

take a course(class) 学一门课程

go shopping 去购物

on one's own 靠自己;独自

rock climbing 攀岩

in the summer vacations 暑假

stay with 和……呆在一起

on a farm 在农场

a summer camp 夏令营

a lot of 许多

go swimming 去游泳

talk to sb. 和某人谈话

after school 放学后

do one's homework 做家庭作业

play tennis 打网球

be free 有空

go shopping 购物

go out for a meal 出去吃饭

have a party 开宴会

go to the movies 去看电影

on time 按时,准时;于指定时间

stay up 不睡觉;熬夜

grow up 长大成人,成长

sports car 跑车

in general 通常,大体上

at the same time 同时

first of all 首先

find out 发现,查明

pocket money 零用钱

make progress 取得进步

little by little 渐渐地

in front of 在……前面

at least 至少

take advantage of 利用

worry about 担心

be responsible for 对……负责

prepare for 预备……,为……做准备

how about 怎么样(后接名词或动词-ing形式等)

be famous for 以……著名/有名

make a mistake/mistakes 做错,犯错误

save up 储蓄,贮存

keep fit 保持健康

the Great Sphinx 狮身人面像

at least 至少

speak in English 用英语交谈;讲英语

concentrate on 全神贯注于

get married 结婚

graduate from high school 中学毕业

at college 在大学里

part-time job 兼职工作

travel around the world 环游全世界

ask for help 求援;请求帮助

in front of 在……前面

prepare for an exam 准备考试

make progress 取得进步

take part in 参加

go to college 上大学

be famous for 因……著名

the Amazon River 亚马孙河

the Nile River 尼罗河

the Sahara Desert 撒哈拉沙漠

the Gobi Desert 戈壁滩

Mount Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰

Lake Baikal 贝加尔湖

the Caspian Sea 里海

the Pacific Ocean 太平洋

the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋

the Indian Ocean 印度洋

in terms of 根据,按照

a bit 一点儿

compare…with 与……相比

used to 过去经常

dust storm 沙尘暴

no longer 不再

lift up 提起来

on the other hand 另一方面

New Zealand 新西兰

the South Pacific Ocean 南太平洋

the total area 总面积

the largest city 最大的城市

both of… 两者都

the longest river 最长的河

the total population 总人口

square kilometer 平方公里

closer to the beach 濒临海滩

make a big mistake 犯一个大的错误

in turns 依次

members of the class 班级成员

at the end 在最后

put on 穿上

in English 用英语说

in the past 在过去

win the game 赢得比赛

just now 刚刚

look for 寻找

think about 考虑

look at 看

put out 扑灭,熄灭

take care of 照顾

be good at 擅长

at the age of 在……岁

look like 像

go out 出去,出门

at home 在家

at school 上学,在学校

at one's house   在某人家

a piece of music 一支音乐

write down 写下,记下

design computer programs 设计电脑程序

in the end 最后,终于

well-known 众所周知的

lots of 许多

at one's house 在某人家

work out 制订出;算出;消耗完

enjoy doing sth 喜欢干某事

be born 出身于

such as 例如

written by 由……撰写

play the violin 拉小提琴

wait for 等

come back 回来

speak to 对……说

be expert in 在……出色

be good at… 擅长于

at the mall 在商场

at home 在家

at school 在学校

in a library 在图书馆

talk to 和……谈话

look after 照顾

at the moment 此刻

have a point 有道理

deal with 安排,处理

put off 推迟;拖延

tell lies 说谎

absent-minded 心不在焉的

self-centered 自我中心的

take place 发生

a number of 许多的

keep a secret 保守秘密

take notes 做笔记

be careful with   小心

tell jokes 讲笑话

save electricity 节电

make sure 确定

think about 考虑,回想,回忆

too…to… 太……以至不

on one's own 独立地,单独地

both of… 两者都

grow up 成长,发展

a little 一点儿

have problem with 在……(方面)有问题

pick up 捡起

shout at sb. (向某人)大声喊叫

heavy metal music 重金属音乐

all the time 始终

talk about 谈论;谈及

complain about 抱怨

after school 放学后

play sports 进行体育运动

chess club 相棋俱乐部

too…to… 太……以致不能

take some medicine 吃药

shout at    朝……大喊/叫

listen to 听

a sore throat 喉痛

fast food 快餐

stop talking 不要说话

enjoy oneself 玩得高兴

on the other hand 另一方面

part-time job 兼职

go to college 上大学

at the top of 在……顶端

Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕

Christmas Day 圣诞节

Jesus Christ 耶稣基督

Christmas tree 圣诞树

Christmas cards 圣诞卡

Happy New Year 新年好

from top to bottom 从头至尾

be supposed to 应该

look up at 向上看

out of breath 上气不接下气

window frame 窗框

send sth. to sb. 给某人寄某物,给某人送某物

wake up 叫醒,醒来

be born 出生

get ready 做准备

get together 聚会

tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事

thousands of 成千上万的

take care of 照顾,看管,保管

on one's birthday 在某人的生日(宴会上)

take off 脱下,摘下,起飞

in the morning 在早上,在上午

arrive(at, in) 到达

It's time for… 是……的时间

jack-o`lantern 杰克灯,空心南瓜灯

roast turkey 烤火鸡

set off 燃放(焰火,爆竹)

cut out 切掉;割掉

arrive at/in 到达

each other 互相

good luck 好运气

play a trick on sb 捉弄某人

English-speaking countries 说英语的国家

visit friends 访友

at midnight 在半夜

call the police 报警

watch TV    看电视

just now 刚才

Happy birthday 生日快乐

birthday presents 生日礼物

play cards 玩牌

the China Central Television Station 中央电视台(CCTV)

put on 上演

stay up 守岁

make a loud noise 弄出大噪音


I like playing the guitar, but I prefer playing football.

Which club would you like to join?

How was your vacation?

I enjoyed myself a lot.

I had a good time.

I had a terrible time.

How often did he do that? Twice a week.

How long did he stay there? Three days.

The kids are getting ready for bed.

-Are you free on Sunday?

-No, I'm visiting my friends.

He's playing baseball tomorrow.

I feel like doing sth. different this weekend.

I'm going to be a doctor.

I'm going to travel around the world.

English is not only a school subject, but can be lots of fun.

What are you going to buy?

Where are you going to have lunch?

How much money are you going to spend?

-Are you going to read more books in English?

-Yes, I am. /No, I'm not.

-Is he going to join a conversation club?

-Yes, he is. /No. he isn't.

-Are they going to watch movies in English?

-Yes, they are. /No, they aren't.

How long is the Great Wall of China?

How old is the Palace Museum?

How deep is the Grand Canyon?

How high is the Eiffel Tower in Paris?

How far is Japan to China?

He could play the violin when he was six.

Could he play the guitar?

Could you ride a bicycle when you were six?

He was playing cards.

My grandparents were watching TV when I left the house.

They were playing football when it began to rain.

While I was doing my homework, the light went out.

They acted bravely.

What kind of person is she?

I think she looks quite friendly.

Why are pets good for children?

Because they are good listeners.

I want a cat to keep my company.

People have pets so they don't feel lonely.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Thanks for your message.

Don't worry. I'll help you study.

It's okay. I'll bring a bag.



表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内所发生的动作或情况,通常一般过去式带有表示动作时间状语的词,词组或从句,如 yesterday, the day before last, last week, two days ago 等,上下文清楚时可以不带时间状语。

I worked in that factory last year.去年我在那一家工厂工作。

I went to the Tian Long Mountain yesterday.昨天我们去了天龙山。


表示说话者说话时正在发生或者进行的动作, 它注重现在正在进行的动作,而不管动作从什么时间开始,到什么时间结束。

What are you doing now?你在干什么呢?

I am looking for my key.我在找我的钥匙。

The workers are building a big library.工人们正在建一座大型图书馆。

现在进行时中有些动词表示即将发生的动作,一般指在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作。如:come, go, leave, start, arrive, be等。并常与表示将来时间的状语连用。例如:

They are going to Shanghai on Friday. 他们星期五去上海。

John is coming here next week and will stay here until May.


What are you doing next Saturday? 你下星期六干什么事?

I am seeing him tomorrow. 我明天去看望他。

I am going for a walk. Are you coming with me? Yes, I am just coming. Wait a bit.



always, sometimes, often, never, once a week, twice a week, about twice a week, three time a week, every day, nearly every day




They usually watch TV on Sundays.他们通常在星期天看电视。

She gets up at six o'clock.她在六点起床。


He is twelve.他十二岁。She is at home.她在家。

Her car is under the tree.她的车在树下。


I go to school at 7:30 every day.每天七点半我上学。


David can speak English and Spanish.戴维会说英语和西班牙语。

She likes apples.她喜欢苹果。


March comes after February.二月之后三月来到了。

The sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大。

5.be going to结构


What are you going to do next Sunday?


They're going to meet outside the school gate.


We're not going to have any classes next week.


I'm going to be a teacher.

He's going to join a conversation club.


一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反常发生的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。如:in a few days, tomorrow, next week, next year等。一般将来时由"助动词will+动词原形"构成。在口语中,will在名词或代词后常简缩为'll, will not常简缩为won't。在疑问句中,主语为第一人称(I和we)时,常用助动词shall。例如:

I will go to my hometown next week.下个星期我将要去我老家。

We will come to see you every Sunday.每个星期天我们将来看你。


I'll give you a hand. 我愿意帮你。


Will you go to the office with me? 你愿意和我一起去办公室吗?

Will you please clean the blackboard? 你能擦一下黑板吗?


Shall we go home now? 我们能现在回家吗?

Shall I put my handbag here? 我能把我的包放在这里吗?

be going to表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做的事情。例如:


They're going to meet outside the school gate.

I'm going to finish high school in two years.

After I graduate from high school, I'm going to go to college for four years.

I'm going to study languages because after college I'm going to work as a language teacher.

While at college, I'm also going to take a computer course because I'm going to use computers in my work.


We're not going to have any classes next week.

I'm not going play lots of sports and keep fit.

I'm not going to save up my money next month.

I'm not going to visit Egypt next week.

I'm not going to ride a camel to Beijing.

I'm not going to take lots of photos for you.

I'm not going to concentrate on this job.


What are you going to do next Sunday?

Where are you going to study?

Are you going to live at home?

What are you going to have for lunch?

Are you going to visit your grandparents?

Is he going to join a conversation club?



主语+谓语(系动词)+ 形容词比较级+than+ 对比成分。 也就是, 含有形容词比较级的主句+than+从句。注意从句常常省去意义上和主句相同的部分, 而只剩下对比的成分。如:

Our teacher is taller than we are.我们老师的个子比我们的高。

It is warmer today than it was yesterday.今天的天气比昨天暖和。

This picture is more beautiful than that one.这张照片比那张照片漂亮。

This meeting is less important than that one.这次会议不如那次会议重要。

The sun is much bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大得多。

8.used to的用法

used to"过去经常,以前常常"。表示过去经常干某事(但现在已不是如此)。例如:

I used to draw pictures. I liked that. But I am too busy to do that.


We used to grow beautiful flowers is the garden.我们过去常在花园里种美丽的鲜花。

There used to be many trees but now you see. The trees have all been cut down.


used to的否定式和疑问式有两种构成法:

1)借助did. 如:

She didn't use(d) to do it, did she?她以前不做那个,是不是?

Did you use to play the piano?你以前是不是弹钢琴?

2)不用did, 如:

You usedn't to make that kind of mistakes. But why now?


Used you to make up stories out of your own head? 你以前是不是自已编故事?



Nobody saw the problem at first.(主语)

Can they do anything to save the Aral Sea?(宾语)

There is nothing but salt and sand.(表语)

Have you any novels? 你有小说书吗?(定语)


How long is the Nile River?

How high is the Great Pyramid?

How deep is the Grand Canyon?

How far is Beijing from Shanghai?



This time yesterday, we were having an English lesson. There was a slight earthquake.


A year ago we were living in Shanghai. My mother fell ill and passed away.


The teacher was giving us a lesson when Tom walked into the room.


While we were having supper, all the lights went out.我们正吃饭的时候,灯熄灭了。

He was reading while she was setting the table.她放桌子时,他在读书。(互为时间背景)

It was getting dark. The wind was rising.天渐渐黑下来了。风势增强了。(互为背景)

②过去进行时表示过去频繁发生的习惯性动作,常与always, continually, frequently等词连用。例如:

The old man was always mislaying his keys.这位老人总是忘记把钥匙放在什么地方了。

He was continually asking questions.他老是问问题,没个完。

The two brothers were frequently quarrelling.这两个兄弟经常吵架。


could表示说话人能,可以,同意,准许,以及客观条件许可,could是can 的过去式。

He could play the violin when he was seven.当他七岁时,就会拉小提琴。

Could they speak French? 他们会说法语吗?

Yes, they could. /No, they couldn't.是的,他们会。/不,他们不会。

He could help us at all.他完全可以帮助我们。

Could you help me, please? 请问,你能帮助我吗?


be动词+形容词:He is extremely patient.

英语常见系动词有:be, look, become, get, seem, turn, grow, appear, taste, feel, smell等,系动词一般后面跟形容词或名词作表语。例如:

The lesson was interesting.那一课很有趣。

He looks ill.他看起来病了。

The soup tastes delicious.汤的味道很美。

She seems very quiet. 她看起来很安静。

Mike is my younger brother.迈克是我弟弟。

Jim became a doctor.吉姆当上大夫了。



The girl is too short to reach the book on the top of the shelf.


It's too cold for children to play ourselves.天气太冷,孩子们不能在外面玩。

句型too…to…=not…enough to…。例如:

She's not tall enough to reach the cookies.她要拿到那个甜饼还不够高。

=She's too short to reach the cookies.


连词but, on the other hand, while等连接两个并列的句子,表示"转折"关系,表示对比或相反的情况。例如:

Eric is a good friend, but he worries all the time.


She is hardworking, but her sister is very lazy.


Eric is very hardworking and patient. Danny, on the other hand, is very lazy and impatient. 艾力克是个非常用功,富有耐心的人。而丹尼却非常懒,没有耐心。

Danny forgets things. Eric, on the other hand, always remembers to turn off the lights.


I have been to Beijing many times but my parents have never been there.


I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream.


English is understood all over the world while Turkish is spoken by only a few people outside Turkey itself.英语世界通行,但土耳其语离开本国就很少有人说人。

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