○what is your opinion about investment environment? / what do you think about the circumstance of investment? 你对投资环境有何看法?
●i think it is beneficial. 我认为是有益的。
□so we go ahead and borrow as much as we can? 因此,我们继续尽我们所能筹借?
■not quite. 不完全是。
■yes, i think so. 我认为是这样的。
■i don't think so. 我不认为是如此。
☆what's your opinion on the problem we are dealing with now? / what would you suggest about this problem? 对我们正在讨论的问题有什么见解吗?
★that's a pretty broad question—let me see. 这是一个有宽度的问题——让我想想。
★i would like a little general advice about the whole question. 关于整个问题,我有一点点建议。
?do you know what i mean? 明白我的意思吗?
?i know / i see. 我明白。
?i know what you are talking about. 我明白你所讲的。
?i am a little bit confused. 我有点迷惑。
?i don't understand. 我不明白。