Withholding Tax Form (代扣所得税表)
English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX WITHHOLDING RETURN 扣缴个人所得税报告表
Withholding agent's file number 扣缴义务人编码
Date of filing 填表日期
Day 日
Month 月
Year 年
Monetary Unit 金额单位
RMB Yuan 人民币 元
This return is designed in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. The withholding agents should turn the tax withheld over to the State Treasury and file the return with the local tax authorities within seven days after the end of the taxable month.
Withholding agent's name 扣缴义务人名称
Address 地址
Telephone Number 电话
Tax payer's name 纳税义务人姓名
Tax payer's file number 纳税人编码
Unit's name and Address 工作单位及地址
Categories of income 所得项目
Income period 所得时间
Revenue 收入额
Renminbi (RMB) 人民币
Foreign currency 外币
Name of currency 货币名称
Amount 金额
Exchange rate 外汇牌价
Renminbi (RMB)converted into 折合人民币
Total 人民币合计
Deductions 减费用额
Taxable Income 应纳税所得额
Tax rate 税率
Quick calculation deduction 速算扣除数
Amount of tax withheld 扣缴所得税额
Tax certificate number 完税证字号
Date of tax payment 纳税日期
In case the tax certificate is filled out by withholding agent, this return should be submitted together with 如果由扣缴义务人填写完税证,应在送此表时附完税证副联——份
Withholding total amount yuan 合计扣缴金额——元
Declaration by Withholding agent 扣缴义务人声明
I declare that the return is filled out in accordance with the INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, and I believe that the Statements contained in this return are true, correct and complete.
Signature 签字
General Accountant (signature) 会计主管人签字
Responsible officer (signature) 负责人签字
Withholding agent (seal) 扣缴单位(或个人)盖章
For official use 由以下税务机关填写
Value Added Tax Payable Statement (应交增值税明细表)
English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term Name of enterprise 编制单位
Items 项目
Line No. 行次
Current Month 本月数
Current Year Cumulative Amount 年末累计数
Amount not yet deducted at beginning of year (represented by a “-” sign) 年初未抵扣数(用“-”反映)
VAT on sales
VAT Refund for exported goods 出口退税
Amount transferred out from VAT on purchase 进项税额转出数
Transfer out overpaid VAT 转出多交增值税
VAT on purchase 进项税额
VAT Paid 已交税金
Tax reduced and exempted减免税款
VAT payable on domestic sales offset against VAT on purchase for export sales 出口抵减内销产品应纳税额
Transfer out unpaid VAT 转出未交增值税
Amount not deducted at end of period (represented by a “-” sign)期末未抵扣数(用“-”号反映)
VAT unpaid 未交增值税
Amount unpaid at beginning of year (amount overpaid represented by a “-” sign) 年初未交数(多交数以“-”号反映)
Amount transfer in at current period (amount overpaid represented by a “-” sign) 本期转入数(多交数以“-”号反映)
Amount paid at current period 本期已交数
Amount unpaid at end of period (amount overpaid represented by a “-” sign) 期末未交数(多交数以“-”号反映)
Head of unit 单位负责人
Finance employee in charge 财务负责人
Double-check 复核
Prepared by 制表