New employees are made to feel welcome 新员工感觉受到了欢迎
Meetings are positive and light 开会时气氛积极、轻松
We have fun activities at least once a month 每月至少有一次娱乐活动
It's common to hear people laughing around here 时常笑声不断
I can be myself at work 工作中我能展现自我本色
We have a lot of celebrations for special events 遇上特别事件我们有许多庆祝
When brainstorming, we like to have fun 集体研讨时我们喜欢开玩笑
My boss is usually optimistic and smiling 老板积极、面带微笑
Customers would call us fun to do business with 客户们都说和我们合作心情愉快
I have a friend at work who makes me laugh 上班时我有一位让我大笑的朋友
We have a good time together 在一起的时候是美好时光