A It seems the department still has some money left in the budget. Do you have any suggestions how to use it before the budget is renewed?
B What about renting a restaurant and treating the empployees to a nice dinner?
A But we've done that many times. We want something fresh this time.
B Okay, let me think. What about a party-and-movie night? We can rearrange our reference room, invite a band to play some music, order in some food and watch a movie later.
A Sounds like a good idea, but a band sounds too expensive.
B Well, we can ask people to make small contributions.
A I don' t think so. I don't think people are going to like it if they have to pay to come. But we certainly can cut costs in other ways, such as make the party BYOB.
B BYOB? What's that?
A Bring your own beverage. We can provide food, but people have to bring their own drinks.
B So we're just going to have a party where they bring their own drinks and we just give them some snacks? I don't know how well that will go over.
A Maybe you have a point. How about having a party on a Friday afternoon? We'll stop early, order some pizza, and serve drinks. There'll be music but no band. Having the party in the office will make it cheaper and because it's the end of the week there won't be much work.
B Oh, that sounds like fun!