1. Socialize online. It's important to manage your online reputation.Make sure your LinkedIn profile is polished and up-to-date. Either don't post anything embarrassing that might prevent you from being hired , or change your privacy settings so your updates don't appear in search results.
1. 注意网络形象。在网上塑造一个好形象十分关键。确保你在LinkedIn的个人资料是最新的,同时,不要在网上发布囧事,这可能让雇主降低印象分不聘用你,或者可以设置隐私权限,这样你的更新就不会被搜索引擎搜索到。
2. Never waste a summer. Sure, you know that interning is one way to get some job experience while still in college, but don't be afraid to take on more than one over the years of your entire college education.
2. 别浪费任何一个暑假。你肯定知道实习是在校期间获得工作经验的方法之一,但是可以在大学期间多做几次。
3. Take classes outside of your major. You can assume that if you take all the sociology classes your major requires that you'll be hireable when you finish your degree, but the truth is: that's not always the case. Other classes, especially those in business, can give you real-world knowledge that employers will appreciate. Consider taking classes in communications, public speaking, finance, and general business.
3. 学习专业以外的课程。你或许以为学习了本专业要求的所有社会学课程就能在结业时找到工作。但事实往往不是这样。其他课程,尤其是与商务相关的课,可以让你学到步入社会后的知识,这些正是雇主们所欣赏的。可以参加与沟通、公开演讲、金融和综合商务相关的课程。
4. Meet people. Most college students aren't thinking about networking, but that's exactly what you should be doing before you graduate. Many colleges have strong alumni networks that students can tap into.Get advice on the profession you're interested in and ask questions to get tips on how to best position yourself.
4. 多认识人。很多大学生没有考过人脉,但是这正是你在毕业前应该做的事。很多大学有强大的校友关系网,可以好好利用。可以问一些你感兴趣的职业,也可以问问职业定位的方法。
5. Know how to talk about yourself. Early in your career, you may find it hard to toot your own horn. What are you going to say when someone asks: 'Who are you and what are you looking for (in relation to work)?'
5. 知道如何表现自己。初入职场时,你会觉得很难体现自身优势。当别人问"你是什么样的人?希望在工作中获得什么?"的时候,你会如何回答呢?
Be confident in your response, and don't be afraid to say what you want. Knowing what you want out of a career proves you're a go-getter, which appeals to employers.
6. Nail the interview process. Even before you apply for your first job, find out what a professional job interview will look like. Have a friend mock interview you so you can get your nervous tics out and learn to smoothly answer questions.
6. 了解面试进程。即使是第一次面试,也该了解下面试的流程。让你的好友给你模拟面试下,这样就不会那么紧张,也会从容回答问题。
7. Be open. If you zero in on one single job that you want, you might miss out on other great opportunities. Spend your college time exploring different industries you could work in, as well as different roles you might be eligible for once you graduate. Your ideal job may come from left field, so be open to possibilities.
7. 视野开阔。如果你只认准一个方向,可能会错失其他好机会。在大学中,看看是否会从事其他行业,在毕业后有没有可能做其他方面的工作。你的理想职业可能并不是所学专业,所以放开怀抱接受各种可能性。