
来源:中国人民武装警察部队学院网 阅读:40710 次 日期:2014-06-13 15:34:49


公安边防消防和警卫函授招生考试是指公安边防消防警卫部队考生参加的选拔性考试。 院校根据考生的成绩,按已确定的招生计划,德、智、体全面衡量,择优录取。因此,考试应有较高的信度、效度、必要的区分度和适当的难度。






第一部分 语音


第二部分 词汇


第三部分 语法



(一)名词的种类、数和所有格;名词分普通名词和专有名词。名词复数形式和构成(book---books, bus---buses, radio---radios, tomato---tomatoes, story---stories, knife--knives, man--men, sheep---sheep,child-children等);专有名词(John, Young Pioneer, America等);名词的所有格 (Mike’s father, students’ bedroom, a map of the world等);不可数名词 (water, tea, paper 等);不可数名词量化表示法 (例a piece of paper, a cup of tea and a bowl of water )。

(二)冠词(a/an, the )的基本用法;

(三)代词的用法:人称代词的主格和宾格(we, you, they, she; us, you, them, her 等); 形容词性物主代词 (my , your ,her ,his 等); 名词性物主代词 (ours, yours, mine, his, hers, theirs 等); 指示代词 (this , that ,these , those 等);不定代词 (some, any 等);疑问代词(what , who ,whose , which, why, where, when等);关系代词(who, whom, whose, which, that, as 等); 关系副词( when, where, why)等。


It is important for us to learn English.

They find it interesting to do this experiment.

It was at 11 o’clock that they came back.



(六)形容词和副词的用法:形容词的基本用法(作定语、表语、补足语等)和副词的基本用法(表示时间、地点、方式、程度和频度)。形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成(-er, -est; more, the most 以及特殊的形式)基本句型: ----as +原级形式+as ---not as /so+原级形式+as ---比较级形式+than ---the 比较级形式the比较级形式 No sooner---than ---the+最高级形式+--in/of---




(2)连系动词( be, look, turn, get, become, etC.

(3)助动词 (be, do, have, shall, will, etc )

(4)情态动词 (can, may, must, need, etc )



He gets up at six o’clock in the morning.

She doesn’t speak Chinese.

The earth go around the sun.


He was in Grade Two last year.

She got up five yesterday morning.


Shall we go to your school tomorrow?

They will be free next week.

She is going to do her homework this evening.


He is doing his homework now.

We are playing football on the playground now.


They were singing when I came here.

They have lived there for five years.


He has already finished his homework.

They have lived there for five years.


We had learned 1000 words by the end of last year.

When I got there she had gone already.


She said she would go to Beijing the next day.

Tom said he was going to see his uncle.

3.语态: 分为主动语态和被动语态。


English is taught in that school.


The song was written by that singer.


The work has been done already.


She must be sent to hospital at once.



① 作主语

To learn a foreign language is not easy.

It is not easy to learn a foreign language.

② 作宾语

They began to read.

③ 作宾语补足语

Jim asked me to help him with his lessons.

Try to make him stay with us.

④ 作定语

I have an important meeting to attend.

⑤ 作表语

She went to see her grandma yesterday.

⑥ 作表语

She went to see her grandma yesterday.

⑦ 用在how, when, where, what, which 等之后

I don’t know how to us a computer.

Do you know when to start?

He didn’t know what to do next.


① 作主语

Seeing is believing.

It is useless arguing about it.

② 作表语

Her job is looking after children

③ 作宾语

I like singing.

He suggested having a party at the weekend.

④ 作定语

There is swimming pool in our school.

This is a sleeping car.


① 作表语

The situation is encouraging

The boy was greatly encouraged.

② 作定语

Our country is a developing country.

The car ran along the school gate.

③ 作宾语补足语

I saw them waiting at the school gate

I saw the door closed.

④ 作状语

Hearing the noise, they immediately stopped talking.

Seen from a distance, the mountain looked like an elephant.





They go to school at seven in the morning.

She isn’t a worker.



Are you a teacher?

Does she speak English?


When were you born?

Why do you study English?


He comes here one or that one?

Does she life math or Chinese?

(4)选择疑问句 Do you want this one or that one ?

Does she like math or Chinese?


Come here, please!

Don’t do anything like that!


What a fine day it is today!

How fine it is today!


I turned on the TV and we sat down and watched it.




What he said is right.

Whether she will come or not is still a question.


I don’t know why he left without saying a word.

He said (that) he would come.


That is where he was born.

That is why he hasn’t come yet.


Do you know the news that my father will come back from America?

That is the reason why he hasn’t come yet.


The man who is reading the newspaper is Mr. Li.

A chemist’s shop is shop which sells medicine.

This is the room in which we lived last year.

I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing.

The hospital where my mother works is in the north of the city.

Huang Hong, whose father is a doctor, studies computer science in the U.S



When Tom returns, I’ll give him the key.


He works where he studied and lived.


He didn’t do it as I had told him.


We’ll go to the Great Wall if it is fine tomorrow.


We climbed high so that we might get a better view.


A TV set can be made so small that it may be easily placed in a watch.


Now that we finish reading, we will go on to writing.


He passed the exam although he had been ill for some time.



Hardly had I opened the door when when he rushed in.


The bike is new.


Children often sing this song.

主语+不及物动词 (S+Vi)

He sings well.


She showed her friends her pictures.


We keep our classroom clean and tidy.


Jim and Mike have seen the film.

There is a desk and two chairs in the room.

Two and there is (are) five.

Her family is large.

The family are sitting at the supper table.



(一)问候 Greetings

Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello/Hi.

-------How are you? Fine, thank you, and you?

-------Very well, thank you.

(二)介绍 Introduction

1. This is Mr./ Mrs. /Miss /Ms /Comrade----

I’d like you to meet----

2. How do you do?

Nice/ Glad / Pleased to see / meet you.

3. My name is----

I’m a (student/teacher, etc.)

4. I’m Chinese.


1. I’m afraid I must be leaving now.

I think it’s time for us to leave now.

2. Good-bye! (Bye-bye! Bye!)See you later/tomorrow.

(See you)Good night.

(四)感谢和应答 Thanks and responses

1. Thank you (very much).

Thank a lot. Many thanks.

Thanks for----

2. It’s very kind of you to----Not at all

It’s /That’s all right. You’re welcome

(五)祝愿、祝贺和应答Good wishes, congratulations &responses

1. Good luck! Best wishes to you! I wish you good luck/success!

Have a nice /good time.

2. Thank you. The same to you.

3. Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Happy birthday to you.

(六)道歉、遗憾和应答 Apologies, regrets, sympathies & responses

1. Sorry/Pardon. I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for/about----I’m sorry to hest----

2. Excuse me (for-----) I’m afraid of----What a pity/shame!

3. That’s all right. It doesn’t matter. That’s nothing.

(七)邀请和应答 Invitations and responses

1. Will you come to---? Would you like to---? I’d like to invite you to----

2. Yes, I’d love to(---).Yes, it’s very kind /nice of you.

3. I’d love to, but----

(八)提供(帮助等)和应答 Offers and responses

1. Can/Could/Shall I help you?

Is there anything (else) I can do for you?

Do you want me to---? What can I do for you?

Let me do/carry /help--(for you).Would you like some---?

2. Thanks. That would be nice/ fine .That’s very kind of you.

Thank you your help. Yes, please, Here, take this /my ----

3. No, thanks/thank you. Thank you all the same.

That’s very kind of you, but---

(九)约会Making appointment

1. Are you/ will you be free this afternoon/tomorrow?

How about tomorrow morning/ afternoon/ evening?

Shall we meet at 4:30 at---?

2. Yes, that’s all right. Yes, I’ll be free then.

3. No, I won’t be free then .But I’ll be free ----

4. All right .See you then.

(十)意愿和希望 Intentions and wishes

1. I’m going to----I will---I’d like to---I (do not) want/hope to---

2. I want/hope/mish to ---

(十一)请求、允许和应答 Asking for permission and responses

1. May I---? Can/Could I-----?

2. Yes /Sure / Certainly. Yes, (do) please.

Of course (you may).

Go ahead, please. That’s OK/all right.

Not at all.

3. I’m sorry you can’t. I’m sorry, but---

You’d better not.

(十二)同意和不同意 Agreement and disagreement

1. Certainly/ Sure /Of course.

No problem.

Yes, please.

Yes, I think so. That’s true.

All right/OK. That’s a good idea---I/We agree (with you)

2. No, I don’t think so.

I’m afraid mot I’m afraid I (really) can’t agree with you.

(十三)喜好和厌恶 Likes and dislikes

1. I like/love--(very much).I like /love to---

2. I don’t like to(to)---I hate (to)---

(十四)决断和坚持 Determination , decision and insistence

I will---I have decided to/ that---

(十五)判断和意见 Judgment and opinion

1. Well done /Good work!

2. In my opinion---It seems—

(十六)能力 Ability

I can ---He is able to---

(十七)肯定和不肯定 Certainty and uncertainty

1. I’m sure (of that).I’m sure (that)—-

2. I’m not sure (of that). I’m not sure whether/ if---

3. Perhaps/Maybe.

(十八)禁止和警告Prohibition and warnings

1. You can’t/mustn’t---If you ---, you’ll---

You’d better not do it.

Don’t smoke! Don’t be late!

2. Look out! Take care! Be careful!

(十九)可能和不可能 Possibility and impossibility

He can / may---

It is possible that---

(二十)预见、猜测和相信 Prediction conjecture and belief

1. He will---

2. It seems (that)---

3. I believe that he is right.


1. Can will /Could/ Would you---for me?

Will/ Can/Could / Would you please---? May I have---?

2. Please give / Pass me---Please wait (here /a moment).

Please wait (for) your turn .Please stand in line/ line up. Please hurry.

3. Don’t rush (hurry)/ crowd. No noise, please. No smoking, please.

(二十二)劝告和建议 Advice and suggestions

1. You’d better (not)---You should/ought to---You need (to)---

2. Shall we---? Let’s---What /How about---? Why not---? Why don’t you ---?


I promise---I will give --- to you.

(二十四)表示焦虑 Expressing anxiety

What’s wrong? What’s the matter (with you)?

I’m / He’s / She’s worried .Oh, what shall I / we do?

(二十五)表示惊奇 Expressing surprise

Really? Oh dear! Is that so? Good heavens!

(二十六)表示喜悦 Expressing pleasure

I’m glad/ pleased / happy to ---That’s nice/ wonderful / great.

(二十七)谈论天气 Talking about the weather

1. What’s the weather like today? How’s the weather in ---?

2. It’s fine / cloudy / windy / rainy---

It’s getting cold / warm---

It’s rather warm / cold / hot --- today, isn’t it ?

It’s a beautiful day today.

(二十八)购物 Shopping

1. What can I do for you? May / Can I help you?

2. I want / I’d like ---How much is it?

That’s too expensive, I’m afraid.

That’s fine. I’ll take it .Let me have ---

3. How many / much do you want? What color / size / kind do you want ?

4. Do you have any other kind / size / color, etc.?

(二十九)问路和应答Asking the why and responses

1. Excuse me .Where’s the men’s / ladies’ room?

Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to ---?

How can I get to ---? I don’t know the way .

2. Go down this street. Turn right / left at the first / second crossing.

It’s about --- meters from here. Go straight ahead till you see---

(三十)问时间、日期和应答 Asking the time, date and responses

1. What day is (it ) today? What’s the date today?

Excuse me .What time is it by your watch? What’s the time, please?

2. It’s Monday / Tuesday ---It’s January 10th.

It’s five o’clock/ five thirty (half past five )/ a quarter past (to) six.

It’s time for / to---

(三十一)就餐 Taking meals

1. What would you like (to have)? Would you like something (to eat/drink)?

2. I’d like ---Cok / Two eggs ---, please.

3. Would you like some ---? Help yourself to some---

4. Thank you. I’ve had enough. I’m full, thank you.

Just a little, please.

(三十二)打电话Making phone calls

1. Hello! Is (Tom) in? May / Could I speak to---? Is that --- (speaking)?

2. Hold on, please. Hello, who is it? He / She isn’t here right now.

Can I take a message for you?

3. Hello, this is --- speaking .I called to tell / ask you---

(三十三)传递信息 Passing on a message

1. Will you please give this note / message to---?

2. ---asked me to give you this note .c. Thanks for the message.

(三十四)看病 Seeing the doctor

1. There’s something wrong with---I’ve got a headache and a cough.

I feel terrible (beD..I don’t feel well.

2. Take this medicine three times a day.

Drink plenty of water and have a good rest .It’s nothing serious.

You’ll be all right / well soon.

(三十五)求救 Calling for help

1. Help! Thief!

2. What’s the matter?

(三十六)语言困难 Language difficulties

Pardon? Would you please say that again / more slowly?

What do you mean by ---? I’m sorry I can’t follow you.

I’m sorry I know only a little English.

第四部分 阅读理解

主要考查学生的阅读能力,要求考生具有较好的智力及思维、观察、注意、记忆、想象、联想等能力。目的在于测试考生的语言运用能力。语言运用能力指学生运用语言获取、理解信息的能力, 理解和传递信息的能力包含判断、推理、归纳、分析和综合等能力。换言之,通过阅读理解,既要测试学生的阅读速度、阅读技巧及理解英语篇章结构的能力,又要考查判断、推理、归纳、分析和综合的能力。


第五部分 英汉互译







语音知识 约3 %

词汇与语法知识 约22%

完形填空 约20%

阅读理解 约25%

补全对话 约10%

书面表达 约20%








较容易题 约30%

中等难度题 约50%

较难题 约20%。

样 题


1. ( ) A. church B. latch C. butcher D. school

2. ( ) A. telescope B. astronaut C. robot D. control

3. ( ) A. develop B. possess C. remove D. recognize

4. ( ) A. surrounding B. shuttle C. destruction D. tunnel

5. ( ) A. grab B. patch C. galaxy D. blacken

二、单项选择:从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项(共25小题,每题1.5分,共32. 5分)。

6. There are sixty-three students in our class, ___________ are girls.

A. five-ninth of which B. five-ninths of them

C. five-ninths of whom D. five-nineths of whom

7. Though I came to know _______, I didn’t know ________ to do it well.

A. how to do; what B. how to do; how

C. what to do; how D. what to do; what

8. It wasn’t long before I learned the _______ news about the plane accident ______ made me feel very sad.

A. late; that B. later; what

C. latest; which D. lattest; which

9. Since all of us are here, let’s get down ________ the important problem.

A. to discuss B. discussing

C. of discussing D. to discussing

10. Our monitor and our secretary are good friend indeed. They always have _________ talks.

A. heart-to-heart B. face-to-face

C. arm-to-arm D. shoulder-to-shoulder

11. A movie is to be ________ show ________ the evening of May Day.

A. on; in B. in; on

C. on; on D. in; in

12. The journalists from both at home and abroad have come to ________ the two conferences held in Beijing.

A. watch B. write

C. discover D. cover

13. Would you mind having a photograph _______ with my cousin?

A. take B. taken

C. have taken D. have been taken

14. Beijing Review _______ foreign stories _______ very popular ________ middle school students and other young people.

A. as well as; is; with B. as well; are; for

C. together with; are; with D. following with; is; to

15. There is no time left _______ the headline, the paper must be published before five o’clock today.

A. to write B. for

C. for writing D. A,B and C

16. Can you imagine a little girl ______ a new comer _______ into the kitchen and ______ a bag of rice away?

A. seeing; steal; carry B. watch; come; taking

C. notice; enter; steal D. found; going; get

17. --- What a beautiful and valuable gift you gave me!

---________ I’m glad you kike it.

A. Not at all B. Thank you.

C. Oh, no. D. You’re welcome.

18. I’d like ________ the national basketball match this evening, but my parents feel like ________ home. What shall I do?

A. seeing; to stay B. to see; to stay

C. to see; staying D. seeing; staying

19. My color TV set needs _______. It hasn’t been working ________ for some days.

A. to repair; good B. repairing; properly

C. being repaired; better D. repairing; well

20. _________ on the moon is not so easy as it is on the earth.

A. Walk B. Walking

C. To walk D. having walked

21. Few pleasures can equal _______ of a cool drink in hot weather.

A. those B. that

C. any D. some

22. --- I have no idea ________ he is.

--- Is he Jerry’s father?

A. what B. who

C. whom D. which

23. Jack is going sailing with _______ boys.

A. little other two B. two little other

C. little two other D. two other little

24. This kind of tree in Tangsa grows up ________.

A. tall and straightly B. straight and high

C. taller and straighter D. straight and tall

25. We decided not to go camping since it was raining _______.

A. badly B. hardly

C. strongly D. heavily

26. He went to bed, _________.

A. coldly and hungrily B. was cold and hungry

C. cold and hungry D. full of cold and hungry

27. We’re ________ to know the result of the 27th Olympics soon.

A. likely B. like

C. maybe D. possible

28. For miles we did not see a single person ________.

A. in sight B. at sight

C. out of sight D. in the sight

29. Don’t be so hard ________ your little brother, he is too young.

A. for B. to

C. of D. on

30. In Britain, under _________ of the population smokes.

A. a thirds B. one thirds

C. a third D. one three



A common question asked by my students is “How can we make our English more standard?” This is often followed by “ Should we study American or British spoken English?”

Before trying to answer these questions I ask them to consider English in the context of contemporary China. Over its long history the Chinese languages developed into many different dialects. It would be just as difficult for native Shanghai and Beijing people to understand each other as it would be for, say, an Englishman and a Frenchman unfamiliar to each other’s tongue.

The Chinese have solved this problem by using one dialect as the standard for the whole country. The widespread use of putonghua is a great achievement of modern China.

Even the greatest admirer of European integration would not dream that in 50 years the citizens of Europe will be using a single language for their day to day learning and business.

The concept of “standard “ Chinese is so firmly rooted in the nation’s consciousness that it introduces a misunderstanding of the way English operates.

The plain fact is this---there is no single standard English.

In one future the world will speak with one voice: an American accent. In the other, existing cultures will make English their own. Regional accents will promote identities, retaining the characteristics of their own language.

English will continue to develop and will be kept lively by the varied peoples who use it.

So, as simply as I can manage, the answer to the two questions would be that all usage within the context of clear pronunciation and grammar is “ standard English.” A nation’s language and culture go hand in hand. A subtle Chinese accent is nothing to be ashamed of .

31. Which of the following can best show the writer’s attitude towards “Standard English?”

A. So long as your pronunciation and grammar are OK, that’s “Standard English”.

B. “Standard English” should either be British or American English.

C. There’s no standard at all for “Standard English”.

D. “Standard English” is contemporary English.

32. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The widespread use of putonghua is worth praising.

B. With the integration of Europe, there will be one single language for all the Europeans in 50 years.

C. It’s impossible to learn a language without knowing its culture.

D. Speaking English with regional accents is nothing to be ashamed of.

33. The underlined word “subtle” probably means “_______________”.

A. heavy

B. serious

C. slight

D. standard

34. Choose the best headline for the passage?

A. No single way to speak.

B. No single way to speak.

C. What makes Standard English.

D. How to learn standard English


American magician David Blaine left the glass box in which he has lived for 44 days without food on October 19. Hundreds of people came to watch the end of his starvation experiment, which has become one of London’s main tourist attractions.

Looking thinner and darker, 30-year-old Blaine was taken out of his box over the River Thames and immediately went to hospital. He was then slowly reintroduced to food, which is a process the doctors said could be life threatening. He had been drinking only water since September 5.

A native of Brooklyn, New York, Blaine first became known as a street magician in the early 1990’s. He soon found himself doing magic tricks in bars for the likes of American actor Leonardo Dicaprio and his supermodel friends.

Over the last decade Blaines had become famous with a combination of breath taking magic and clever tricks aimed at getting a lot of attention.

In 1999, he was buried in a coffin for one week and, in 2000, he spent 62 hours in a giant block of ice. Last year he stood on top of a 25-meter pillar in the center of New York for 35 hours before jumping into a pile of boxes.

“ I think a lot of people are unable to accept that they’re able to do what they can do,” he said. “ They don’t realize we can survive. The human being is an amazing creation.”.

But he seems to have suffered from spending so long in the glass box. He said that at times he was unable to see, had serious back pains and lost his sense of taste.

35. It is _____________ for David Blaine to eat food after such a long starvation.

A. pleasant

B. delicious

C. dangerous

D. important

36. Having spent such a long time in the glass box, he suffered the following EXCEPT that ____________.

A. he had become blind

B. he had serious back pains

C. he lost his sense of taste

D. he was in weak health

37. Which of the following can best describe David Blaine?

A. Serious

B. Adventurous

C. Mad

D. Crazy

38. Which of the following is NOT true of David Blaine?

A. Blaine immediately went to hospital after he was taken out of his box because he was in dangerous condition.

B. Blaine was born and brought up in England.

C. In Blaine’s opinions, people can create a wonder.

D. Blaine didn’t have any food for 44 days.


Bill Geates was born on October 28, 1955 in a wealthy family in Seattle.

He was a naughty but gifted child. At the age of 13, he began programming in the BASIC language. By the time he was 17, Gates had sold his first program—a school scheduling(安排) system, which brought him $4,200.

Microsoft’s big break came in 1980. That year, Gates and his young comrades, who usually cared little about their dresses and appeared to be like some big boys at that time, signed an agreement to provide operating system MS-DOS for International Business Machines’ new personal computer.

The managers at IBM never knew what hit them.

In March 1986, Microsoft stock (股票)went public in one of the most properly planned of offerings of its time. By the next year, the company’s on-going stock price had made Gates the youngest self-made billionaire at age 31. and Gates, the world’s wealthiest man, built the Microsoft Empire (帝国)thanks to his “architect” genius(天才) by developing the Windows Operating System.

Microsoft fell behind Netscape in developing a commercial Internet browser(浏览器). But it later gained the upper hand in the browser market after a battle that, some of its competitors said, showed that it was monopoly (垄断).

Bill Gates announced his move from the CEO of Microsoft last year, when he was 44, to a new job as chief software architect, mainly working on software development. Immediately again Bill Gates became the world-wide front page topic but this time no one could tell what this “Gates” would lead to.

39. From the passage we know that Bill Gates ______________.

A. never had a chance to go to university

B. once studied at Harvard university

C. graduated from Harvard University

D. did not finish his study at university

40. the most important turning-point in Bill Gates’s life was __________.

A. his agreement to sell MS-DOS to IBM

B. his first school scheduling system

C. his study of the BASIC language

D. that he was a genius in architect

41. In the beginning, it was IBM that __________.

A. made a very serious mistake about Microsoft and its MS-DOS system

B. supported Microsoft to develop its operating system MS-DOS

C. helped Microsoft to develop into a big company

D. agreed to provide MS_DOS system for Microsoft

42. Bill Gates is not longer the CEO of Microsoft, _____________.

A. which means he is too old for the job

B. which is what most people would like to see

C. so he is no longer the important part in the development of IT industry

D. no one could tell what he is going to do


Every day millions of letters go from one country to another. Letters mailed in Italy are received in Japan. Letters mailed in Canada are recveived in Africa. On the letters are many different kinds of stamps, bought in different countries.

The Universal Postal Union helps each letter get to the right place as quickly as possible. It sets up rules about the size and weight of letters, postcards, and small packages. It has rules that all countries must follow about international postal rates.

One hundred years ago international mail did not move so smoothly. One country did not always accept another country’s letters. Letters from some countries were too large to fit into the mailboxes of other countries. Letters traveled by many different routes. Some were lost along the way.

Sometimes the person who sent the letter could pay only part of the postage. The person receiving the letter had to pay the rest. The United States was the first to suggest that all countries work together to settle the questions of international mail. In 1874, men from twenty four countries met in Switzerland to form the Universal postal Union.

Today, more than 120 nations belong to this union. From its office in Switzland, the union helps the mail to move safely and quickly around the world.

43. It’s known to all that mail is important to _________ country/countries.

A. some

B. all

C. one

D. a

44. The word “postage” in the passage means ________.

A. money spent on an envelope

B. money paid for a stamp

C. the charge for carrying the mail by post

D. the pay a postman receives for his work

45. This passage is mainly about _________.

A. different kinds of stamps in different countries

B. an organization that makes rules

C. international mail

D. the size and weight of letters



I was deep in thought preparing a lecture to be given that evening at a college across town, when the phone rang. A woman I had 46 met introduced herself and said that she was the mother of a seven-year-old boy and that she was 47 . She said that her doctor had advised her that discussing her coming death with her little boy would be too 48 for him, but somehow that didn’t feel right to her.

49 that I worked with grieving (悲痛的) children, she asked for my advice. I told her that our heart was often smarter than our brain and that I thought she knew what would be best for her son. I also 50 her to attend the lecture that night since I was speaking about how children deal with 51 and she said she would be there.

I wondered later if I would 52 her at the lecture, but my question was answered when I saw a 53 woman being half-carried into the room by two adults. I talked about the fact that children usually 54 the truth long before they are told and that they often wait until they feel adults are 55 to talk about it before sharing their concerns and questions. I said that children usually can deal with truth better than denial(拒绝相信). 56 the denial is intended to protect them from pain. I said that respecting children meant 57 them in the family sadness, not shutting them out.

At the break, she hobbled(跛行)to me and 58 her tears she said,” I knew it in my heart, I just knew I should tell him.” She said that she 59 that night.

The next morning I received another phone call from her. I managed to 60 the story through her choked (哽咽的)voice.

46.A. often B. never C. once D. already

47.A. ill B. sad C. dying D. better

48.A. early B. late C. meaningless D. cruel

49.A. Knowing B. Realizing C. considering D. Finding

50.A. allowed B. promised C. invited D. advised

51.A. death B. difficulty C. hardship D. trouble

52.A. interest B. recognize C. find D. help

53.A. tall B. strong C. poor D. weak

54.A. know B. sense C. tell D. get

55.A. anxious B. glad C. ready D. due

56.A. even though B. as though C. since D. if

57.A. inviting B. letting C. shutting D. including

58.A. in B. with C. through D. after

59.A. could B. would C. had D. should

60.A. hear B. finish C. write D. tell


A: Look at this photo of my family. This is my father and this is my mother.

B: _______________________________________________________ (61)

A: It’s my little brother.

B: He looks very clever. _____________________________________ (62)

A: He is six years old. Look! He is riding a bike.

B: Could you ride a bike when you were six?

A: No I couldn’t. _______________________________________ (63)

B: I could when I was six. And I rode well.

A: By the way, _______________________________________(64)

B: No thanks. I’m not thirsty.

A: What about some moon-cakes?

B: __________________________________ (65) . Oh, they are delicious. Thank you.









1. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. A

11. C 12. D 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. B

21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. D 29. A 30. C

31. A 32. B 33. C 34. B 35. C 36. A 37. B 38. B 39. B 40. A

41. C 42. D 43. B 44. C 45. C 46. B 47. C 48. D 49. A 50. C

51. A 52. B 53. D 54. B 55. C 56. A 57. D 58. C 59. B 60. A


61. Who is he?

62. How old is he?

63. How about you?

64. Do you want some water?

65. Yes, please!

评分说明: 本题应补填5处, 每处3分,共15分。如填写补全的部分内容恰当、语句正确、符合英语习惯、通顺的给满分。如填写补全的部分内容与答案不同,但意思、语言无错误的不扣分。大体正确的,给2分。所填写部分句子结构有错误,但尚能达意的,给1分。所填写部分句子结构有严重错误,给0.5或不给分。完全错误或只写个别单词的不给分。所填入部分中的拼写错误每1-2处扣给0.5分,不倒扣分。



1. 本题总分为30分,按5个档次给分。

2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定所应得分档次,然后依据相应档次的标准来衡量,确定或调整得分档次,确定最后实际得分。

3. 词数少于100或多于120的,从总分中减去2分。

4. 评分时要注意下列要点:内容要点、运用词汇和语法结构的丰富性、准确性以及文章的连贯性。

5. 评分时,要注意单词拼写与标点符号的准确性,要依据其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均符合要求。

6. 书写潦草、字迹模糊,影响理解,应将分数降低一个档次。


1. 现在有很多青少年出国留学;

2. 有些人认为这些做法是有益的;

3. 我的看法。





第二档(10 -14分):内容尚切题,能涵盖2个以上要点,语言无重大错误,意思基本清楚。

第一档(0-9 分):内容不切题,能涵盖各别要点,语言有重大错误,意思不清楚。


Now more and more young people are studying abroad. They go to some advanced countries for studying, such as U.S.A., the Great Britain and Canada.

Some people think that studying abroad benefits young people in some ways. Studying abroad offers young people chances of better education. Some advanced colleges and universities in advanced countries have excellent facility and teachers. The young people learn a lot from them. The learning environment and teaching approaches in these countries are different from those of our country. The young people are able to learn the different ways of studying there and have new and creative ideas. Based on my understanding, I think it is a good way to study abroad, which offers the young people more experience and chances.


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