A Do you think discrimination against women in the work force is still prevalent even today?
B From my own experience as a career woman, I would have to say that while things are getting better now than they used to be, it is still a widespread problem. Society is changing, but there is still a glass ceiling for women in many career tracks.
A dDo you think the glass ceiling phenomena is because of traditional social customs? Or are there more issues coming into play?
B I think it's a very complicated issue. A part of the difficulties women have advancing in the work force are due to few opportunities and many male managers. Don't underestimate the good ole' boy system. Men have power, so it's easier for them to stay in power.
A What about affirmative action? Hasn't legislation changed a lot of the make hierarchy?
B Affirmative action has given us management quotas and bans sexual discrimination, but it's still a man's world.